Some of the LEADS 360 Assessment's most frequently asked questions:

Does LEADS Canada have guidelines for selecting responders?

Yes – Responder selection guidelines (the responder categories approved for your organization) are sent to each 360 participant. These guidelines also appear in the “PLEASE ENTER YOUR RESPONDERS” LEADS 360 system email that participants receive asking them to go online to enter their responders.

Does LEADS Canada enter the responders into the online system?

No – LEADS 360 participants (subjects of the assessment) are given complete instructions through the automated system regarding how to enter their responders into the LEADS 360 online system. They have one week in which to do so, followed by another week in which your organization will follow up with those who have not completed their responder entry by the stated deadline. A responder entry status report will be provided after the stated responder entry completion deadline, showing which participants have, and have not, entered their responders.

How and why does the online system merge some responder categories in the final report?

To protect confidentiality of the responders, when there are fewer than 3 completed responses in any responder category (other than “Supervisor“), the responses will be merged with another responder category in the final report.

It is not always the same responder categories that are merged. For each Subject different categories could be merged based on the number of responses in each responder category.

Here is how the merging happens in general:

  • When there are only 1-2 responders in a responder category, the system will look for another category to merge it with. The system will look for a category with the lowest number of responses, and merge these two categories together.
  • If, after merging of two categories, there are still not enough responses, the system will look for a third category to merge with.
  • If after all the merging there still aren’t enough responses, the system will omit this category with 1-2 responses from the report.

For example:

At the end of the 360 process, “Fred” has 3 responses in the DIRECT REPORTS category and only 2 in the PEERS category. In this case, PEERS will merge with DIRECT REPORTS to maintain confidentiality.

“Nancy” has 5 completed PEER responses but only 1 OTHER and 2 DIRECT REPORTS. In this case, the OTHER and DIRECT REPORT categories will merge, and PEERS will stay unmerged.