Our research approach combined traditional rigorous academic research with rapid research projects that were quickly translated into resources and made available to health leaders when they were needed most.

Our academic work included an international survey of hundreds of leaders in different sectors from 16 countries on leadership during the Emergency Stage, a consensus statement on leadership imperatives during the Recovery Stage involving 32 expert co-authors from 17 countries, and a framework validation study involving Canadian nurse leaders in the Canadian Armed Forces and the public sector.

Our rapid research projects have involved more than 100 CEOs and senior leaders from health organizations across the country on topics related to top priorities for health leaders at different times, essential leadership capabilities, proudest achievements during the pandemic, and health leadership after the pandemic (Resolution Stage).

Knowledge translation of our research is an important priority for us. We have produced a one-page summary of leadership imperatives in a crisis (with more to follow), open access academic journal articles, articles in national media, such as the Globe and Mail and a four-part series in Hospital News, and dozens of webinars and think tanks for College members and non-members alike.

We are very grateful to have received a research grant to support our work from Healthcare Excellence Canada.

We will continue with both types of research and explore the leadership in a crisis phenomenon in further detail, as well as branching out to investigate leadership in long-term care (LTC). Our approach to research, as well as its content focus, will continue to evolve so that our work is most relevant and timely for health leaders when they need it most.

Our aim is to conduct and publish top quality, international research (normally, collaboratively). Our scope is not limited to the health domain.

Anyone interested in collaborating is welcome to contact CCHL’s director of research and leadership development, Dr. Jaason Geerts at jgeerts@cchl-ccls.ca.