Leadership Think Tanks

Think Tanks engage health leaders in dialogue on current healthcare trends and critical issues. This open access quarterly event features a brief webinar on the topic, followed by small group discussions and full-group debriefs. These discussions are an opportunity for participants to share their own experiences, successes, challenges, and potential action items/next steps based on the content of the current webinar in a safe virtual environment with colleagues from across the country. Also available for organizations.

Topics have included burnout, leadership in a crisis, debriefing the pandemic experience, and rapid innovation.

Upcoming Think Tanks

All sessions are scheduled for 12:00 p.m. ET  (Dates and time are subject to change.)

Session for HR/OD Specialists

May 18, 2023

Session for all Leaders

November 9, 2023

Session for HR/OD Specialists

November 16 2023


CCHL Circle Advanced & Transformational Leaders: Free
CCHL Members: $30.00
Non-Members: $45.00

The CCHL Circle Advanced Leader and the Transformational Leader communities are a benefit for those who have their CHE or Fellowship designation, others may purchase access through an annual subscription. Members must have an activated CCHL Circle in order to access this benefit.

Join the College today for only $175 for the first year, and receive a discount on th
e Leadership Think Tank registration fee. CCHL membership details available here.

For more information about our Professional and Leadership Development Programs, contact our team at programs@cchl-ccls.ca