Eligibility & Requirements

Certified LEADS Specialist (CLS) Certification Eligibility*

  • LEADS learning and/or experience either through completion of the face-to-face LEADS Learning Series (LLS), the online LEADS Leadership Foundations (LLF) program, the online LEADS Inspired Leadership (LIL) program, or LEADS learning mapped to the domains and submitted for review
  • HR/OD experience or role in current position highly recommended

CLS Program Requirements

Once application submissions are reviewed and approved, candidates will be provided with access to the self-directed online CLS program platform, which can be completed at the candidates’ pace, with recommended timelines for up to six month. Access to CLS tools and resources will be provided within the shared Certified LEADS Specialist section of the Resource Hub and LEADS Community for Practice.

The CLS certification program consists of:

  • Two phases, each approximately 12 weeks, for a total of 6 months;
  • Phase One: Self-lead completion of the online CLS training program which includes case study review and domain assignments
  • Phase Two: Completion of a mentored *LEADS in Action (LIA) project, reviewed and debriefed by a LEADS Coach/Facilitator;
  • Availability of LEADS Coach/mentor for candidate progress check-ins
  • Certificate of completion indicating successful completion of certification and a CLS license for three (3)years.

*Successful LIA projects are also recognized as completion of the LIA requirement of the Certified Health Executive (CHE) program, putting successful CLS’s in advanced standing toward their CHE designation.

For further information

Please contact Tracy Wightman, Manager, Professional & Leadership Development Programs.