The Canadian College of Health Leaders is proud to announce that Waypoint Centre for Mental Health Care was named recipient of the 2023 Award of Excellence in Mental Health and Addictions Quality Improvement for their project named Ontario Structure Psychotherapy Program.
The Ontario Structured Psychotherapy (OSP) Program – Central North implemented a quality improvement project aimed at increasing the quality and volume of services provided to people from the program’s Priority Populations. This regional Quality Improvement initiative targeted the needs of individuals most represented in the community of Central-North Ontario (people who are Indigenous, Francophone, and members of 2S-LGBTQ+ community). This quality improvement project involved eliciting feedback from the OSP Client Advisory Committee, the Indigenous Evaluation Circle, OSP’s Francophone Engagement Committee, and OSP Service Providers.
The OSP team carried out training, communication strategies, and service modifications to improve the quality and accessibility of services for Priority Populations, based on stakeholder feedback, regional data, and research evidence. Staff completed Indigenous Cultural Safety Training and Safer Spaces Training, and the program maintains committees to develop and evaluate service provision. This quality improvement project resulted in increased referrals, more people accessing cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT) in the region, positive clinical outcomes, and increased clients served from Priority Populations. It also contributed to the advancement of continuous quality improvement initiatives across the OSP program provincially.
The Award of Excellence in Mental Health and Addictions Quality Improvement honours a hospital, health authority, community based mental health and addictions program/service, or a leader in the field that demonstrates evidence-informed and sustained quality improvements (QI) in the area of mental health and addictions.
The award is sponsored by the Mental Health Commission of Canada (MHCC), an organisation that leads the development and dissemination of innovative programs and tools to support the mental health and wellness of Canadians. Through its unique mandate from the Government of Canada, the MHCC supports federal, provincial, and territorial governments as well as organizations in the implementation of sound public policy.
This award is part of our CCHL National Awards Program and will be presented at the Honouring Health Leadership event on June 4, 2023.
For further information and/or to arrange an interview, please contact:
Christian Coulombe
Vice-President, Marketing & Membership
Canadian College of Health Leaders
613-235-7219, ext. 213