Resources for Peer Reviewers

April 3, 2023

Did you know that there are more than 250 peer reviewers for Healthcare Management Forum?

Peer reviewers are essential to the success of the journal. They volunteer their time to impartially scrutinize the claims in the articles and identify incomplete or incorrect information. This process encourages authors to meet the accepted standards of Healthcare Management Forum and allows credible information to be published, therefore contributing to the body of knowledge in the field of health leadership.

Peer reviewers must be members of the College. They are expected to: (1) indicate to the Managing Editor within 48 hours of receipt if they are able to complete the review; (2) review the manuscript within 7 calendar days or the timeframe otherwise specified by the Managing Editor; and (3) complete the provided questionnaire in the SAGEtrack system.

Peer reviewers are not expected to edit or rewrite the article, provide comments directly on the manuscript, or write extensive notes to the author. All reviews are blinded.

Peer reviewers will spend an average of 30 hours volunteering a year, for a minimum of two years, reading manuscripts and providing comments. Certified members are eligible for 1 MOC I credit for each hour spent on a review.

Here is more information from SAGE about the peer review process and how to conduct appropriate peer reviews:

Here is a link to a special video about peer review, featuring our Editor-in-Chief, Don Juzwishin:

Thank you to all of our peer reviewers who dedicate their time and energy to making the journal a success.

To those members who are interested in becoming a peer reviewer, you are invited to submit your curriculum vitae as well as your desired areas of interest to the Managing Editor at by June 1, 2023 for consideration; all applicants will be contacted individually.