
New Book: Without Compassion, There Is No Healthcare

September 13, 2021

“ It can be difficult for health professionals to remain tender, vulnerable and empathetic, especially when we are exhausted and overworked. As the technology of medicine evolves at breakneck pace, offering the tantalizing possibility that machines and algorithms can make us more efficient and productive, there has never been a more important time for a clarion call to maintain our commitment to kindness in care. This book is what we need, combining the evidentiary case for compassion with wise reflections about the future of healthcare delivery.” Jane Philpott, Queen’s University

New technologies are transforming healthcare work and changing how patients interact with healthcare providers. As artificial intelligence systems, robotics, and data analytics become more sophisticated, some clinical tasks will become obsolete and others will be reconfigured. While it is not possible to predict these developments precisely, it is important to understand their inevitability and to prepare for the changes that lie ahead.

The new book, Without Compassion, There Is No Healthcare, Leading With Care in a Technological Age edited by Brian D. Hodges, Gail Paech, and Jocelyn Bennett, is a call to action. Drawing together a decade of evidence and insight generated by a community of leading scholars and practitioners committed to promoting compassionate care, it offers steady principles and practices to steer the way through times of technological change.

For a preview chapter: Without Compassion, There is No Healthcare – AMS Healthcare (

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