
Making research activities and investments work for your health organization

November 9, 2021

A new resource for health leaders: A guide to making research activities and investments work for — rather than overwhelm — your health organization

Health organizations are increasingly urged to become more involved in research: to use findings from existing research and, especially in recent years, to “partner” with academics on proposed research projects. Not only does this expectation create additional demands on organizations already under stress, there is often an assumption that engagement in research will bring direct benefits to the organization. This is not necessarily the case: there is emerging evidence that we need to reimagine research in ways that make it more relevant and useful to those whose role it is to ensure quality care to patients and communities.

Download the 1-pager brief summary.

Download the full guide (free) to gain insights from current evidence and health system leaders on how to identify goals of your research relationships and ensure you are ready to engage in partnership. The guide also provides insights on how to develop a plan appropriate for your organization, build capacity and responsiveness, evaluate and respond to research requests, and plan for implementation and evaluation.

The guide “It’s time to talk about our relationship with research and the people who do it for a living” was written by Dr. Sarah Bowen, Dr. Ian D. Graham and Dr. Ingrid Botting, members of the IKT Research Network, a 7-year CIHR-funded Foundation Grant dedicated to advancing the science of integrated knowledge translation (IKT).

For more information, please contact the lead author, Dr. Sarah Bowen, at