Recognition in Delivering Value-based Healthcare

Please note that the awards nomination campaign will launch on October 1, at which time the online nomination form and the nomination template will become available.

The Recognition

Value-based healthcare is gaining solid traction in Canada and globally, as health systems seek to improve delivery of highly integrated care. Value-based healthcare is about creating value for patients throughout the full cycle of care and aims to maximize health outcomes per dollar spent which is referred to as patient value[1]. Aligning with a value-based approach means reforming an entrenched system in which payments are made for volumes of service to a new approach where payment is tied to value and quality[2].

Value based healthcare is best expressed through the following formula:

Value based formula: Patient value equals health outcomes divided by cost.

A toolkit, created by the Canadian Foundation for Healthcare Improvement (now Healthcare Excellence Canada) is available to provide information and guidance to those who are interested in learning about value-based healthcare (VBHC); those who are thinking about implementing it; and those who are ready to assess and improve their current VBHC initiatives.

This recognition aims to increase the profile and understanding of value-based healthcare by honouring an organization, or team, that is deliberate in changing the way that care is delivered, resulting in improved patient outcomes. This means that patients are being optimally cared for at the right time, in the right setting and at the right cost.

The Canadian College of Health Leaders recognizes that different healthcare sectors use different terminology to describe the individuals they serve. While the term “patient” is used for this recognition, it is considered an all-inclusive concept that includes clients from all health care sectors.

Given that value-based healthcare is in its early stages in Canada, nominated teams or organizations may have limited experience to reference regarding their new initiatives based on the patient value created. As such, this recognition will evaluate:

  • the organization/team’s approach to value-based healthcare;
  • the patient-centered outcomes captured;
  • cost to the fullest extent it can be captured for the patient journey in the initiative; and
  • most importantly, the patient-reported outcomes including how their care and experience has improved under this model of care.

The selected organization or team will receive an etched glass trophy. Should the future permit us to return to an in-person event, one representative of the winning organization will also receive paid travel and accommodations to attend the College’s Honouring Health Leadership event, and a complimentary registration to the CCHL National Conference. A $2,500 grant will be donated to the selected organization, or team, for an educational leadership event supporting the translation of value-based healthcare leading practices within the organization.

[1] Value-based Health Care. (2016). Retrieved August 15, 2018, from
[2] Value Based Healthcare. (n.d.). Retrieved August 15, 2018, from


Teams and organizations operating in Canada are eligible to apply. Teams that have collaborated on the initiative can exist within one single organization, or within a health system. 

The successful nominee will embrace the concept of value-based healthcare with a focus on partner and patient engagement. Moreover, they will measure patient relevant outcomes and will use these outcomes to inform improvements to care. The successful nominee will strive to create value for patients, moving beyond effectiveness, determined to create efficiency in care. Their approach to care will be inclusive of patients, be driven by the care team in a collaborative manner with other partners under a focus of continuous learning and improvement.


Nominations must be made by a member of the College and be submitted by February 1.

Nominations must be submitted as one PDF file via the team and organization award online form and include the following:

  • the completed nomination form (to be completed online);
  • the completed report template; and
  • a letter of support from the chief executive officer, or C-level designate, who is a member of the College.

Recognition made possible by a grant from:


2023 Recipient: CIUSSS Centre Ouest de l’Île de Montreal

The H@H model started as a pilot during the 5th wave of the COVID-19 pandemic. A lack of hospital capacity and a decrease in available staff to provide care risked sub-optimal care. In line with their CEOs vision to provide ‘Care Everywhere’, they initiated a H@H pilot to care for people with COVID. H@H is a range of services that allows hospitalized patients to continue their “hospitalization” in their home environment with their family.  

Care is provided by an interdisciplinary team supporting the patient both virtually and as needed, by in-person home visits. Patients are monitored 24/7 remotely through a variety of monitoring devices that capture vital signs. Family and caregivers are encouraged to participate in the care. After a pilot of 12 COVID patients, results demonstrated improvements in clinical and patient-centered outcomes. 

 The program now has 15 care trajectories for specialized medical and surgical conditions, as well as a general medical track for people with multiple conditions. Patient outcomes have shown improved quality and access to care, greater operational efficiency, and lower overall cost compared to similar hospital care. 

Past Recipients

Please see our most recent recipients listed below. Full details are available in our Celebrating Leading Practices booklets.

2023 – CIUSSS Centre Ouest de l’Île de Montreal

2022 – Providence Health Authority

2021 – Scarborough Health Network

2020 – Women’s College Hospital

2019 – Western Health and Central Health

2018 – Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Centre and University Health Network

Recognition in Delivering Value-based Healthcare Selection Committee

List of Awards

For almost two decades, the National Awards Program has been showcasing the success of exemplary individuals and teams, encouraging knowledge exchange, and celebrating excellence while stimulating replication of leading practices across the health industry.