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LEADS Coach Certification – June Renewal Webinar

Offert en anglais seulement

LEADS Canada and the Canadian College of Health Leaders are pleased to offer certification renewal for LEADS Certified Coaches.

If you are currently a certified LEADS Coach and your licence expires in 2023, you are required to renew your certification by attending one of the two-hour webinar prior to the expiration of your license.

13 juin 2023 @ 01:00 PM - 05:00 PM EDT / HAE

Pour vous inscrire, veuillez vous connecter à votre compte.

Détails de l'événement:

Location: Canada

This three (3) year LEADS Certification includes:

  • A mandatory two-hour training webinar on debriefing LEADS 360 Assessments and processes. The webinar is scheduled for June 13 (NEW DATE), 2023 - 1PM - 3PM (EST) ;
  • Review of the updated individual and group debrief materials (PowerPoint and workbooks);
  • Working tools and template for the organizational LEADS 360 Aggregate Report Interpretation; and
  • Access to the LEADS Community for Practice (which includes access to discussion forums, research and resources).

For certification renewal, a 3-year licensing fee of $900.00 must be submitted upon registration for the webinar.

For more information about this program, please contact:
Tracy Wightman, Manager, Professional and Leadership Development Programs
at twightman@cchl-ccls.ca

If you require technical assistance during the registration process, please contact:
Julie Bruyère at jbruyere@cchl-ccls.ca