Fellows of the Canadian College of Health Leaders are recognized for their outstanding leadership.
Completion of the program represents a very significant milestone in a health leader’s career.
Below you will find a group of Fellows who are committed to sharing their expertise with you through their Fellowship Leadership Projects. To view the project, click on the title.
Projects are available in their original language.
Visit our Fellowship Program page to find out how you can become a College Fellow and share your knowledge with the health leadership profession.

Karen Biggs (formerly Baillie), FCCHL
One Organization’s Journey to Develop Leadership Competencies Related to Culture Change

Carolyn Clubine, FCCHL
Ontario Long Term Care Homes – can they become Community Care Hubs

Martin Beaumont, FCCHL
Updating an Organizational Plan: Strategic Leverage in Developing Leadership

Michael Harris, FCCHL
Private Pay Long Term Care: A Sensible Option to Consider

Don Juzwishin, FCCHL
Social Media and Health Care Leadership: Implications, Issues and Opportunities

Don Philippon, FCCHL
The Leadership Imperative in Publically Funded Universal Health Systems

Owen Heisler, FCCHL
Three Ethical Case Studies

Victoria Ostler, FCCHL
Renewal of the Canadian College of Health Leaders Fellowship Program

Samuel Campbell, FCCHL
Doing things differently: Changing Treatment Paradigms in Patient Flow through a Healthcare System

Patricia O’Connor, FCCHL
Improving Patient Safety Performance in Acute Care: Reducing Falls, Pressure Ulcers and Unrelieved Pain

Gaetan Tarfdif, FCCHL
Implementation of a Safety Framework in a Rehabilitation Hospital

Mary Russell, FCCHL
Development of Community Health Indicators and a Community-Wide Physical Activity Strategy

Maureen Cava, FCCHL
Development of a Professional Practice Framework for Toronto Public Health

Nancy Lefebre, FCCHL
Knowledge to Practice (K2P) Integrating the Use of Research Evidence in Decision-Making at Saint Elizabeth Health Care

Christine Penney, FCCHL
Improving Performance Management of Appropriate Care Delivery

Corinne Schalm, FCCHL
Developing and Implementing a Balanced Scorecard In a Longterm Care Organization

Andrea Seymour, FCCHL
Advancing Employee Engagement through Implementation of a Healthy Workplace Strategy

Ronald Lindstrom, FCCHL
A community-based participatory approach to planning child and youth health services in North West British Columbia

Susan Smith, FCCHL
Impact Assessment: An Essential Component of Physician Resource Planning

Lynn Stevenson, FCCHL
Moving to a Culture of Safety In Community Home Health Care

John Hylton, FCCHL
Strategic Planning: Best Practices For Health Executives

Nancy Fazackerley, FCCHL
Three Case Studies

Gaston Levac, FCCHL
Mentorship Project

John Borody, FCCHL
Evaluating Characteristics of Regional Healthcare Boards in Manitoba and Saskatchewan

Mimi Lowi Young, FCCHL
Mentorship: A Management Leadership Development Option

Normand Allaire, FCCHL
Mentorship: A Fellowship Option

Maura Davies, FCCHL
Performance Measurement in Integrated Health Systems

Dianne Doyle, FCCHL
Mentorship: A Management / Leadership Development Option